The list of titles include books focused on the issue of autism, development and care for a child with autism, siblings and related topics.
Books can be ordered by email: , or by phoning Linda Valášková Bc, mobile: +420 774 166 645. The professional literature can be chosen by clients or their guardians from a list of titles and picked up from the Autis Center. The usual loan period is 2 months.
Randomly selected books:
- Autism – A Practical Guide for Parents (Yau Alan; Csémy Jan, 2016),
- Development of verbal behavior (Mary Lynch Barbera, Tracy Rasmussen, Masaryk University, 2018),
- Special siblings (David Havelka, Kateřina Bartošová, portal, 2019) ,
- Oxygen mask for parents (Roman Pesek, mount, 2013),
- Games and fun activities for children with autism (Julia Moor, Portal 2010)
Our library currently offers about 250 book titles on autism and related topics. The Library is used as well by students, professionals and assistants from Autis Center.